Wait, you're asking how to cook a turkey burger, which really has to be cooked well done for health reasons, but you won't let me have my double beef burgers cooked to temperature even though that would be okay to eat? Something seems wrong with that. Part of this is on me as the fine print of their single and double both say that the patties come medium well and medium well only while their classic burger is cooked to temperature. I don't get what the difference is other than the classic is a 1/3 pound patty, and the single and double are either 1 or 2 1/4 pound burgers. Why that's a difference in how you're allowed to cook it is beyond me.
After a fairly long wait just to get our food, M and I sat down to eat. Everything looked good with the burger. The vegetables looked fresh and crisp, the sauces were loaded on quite nicely, and even the supposed medium well cooked burgers looked edible (I really hate having my burgers cooked above medium rare).

Everything looks okay so far...
After the intial couple of bites, I knew this was going to be a bit of a chore to finish. While the vegetable toppings and the sauces were perfectly fine as first thought, the burgers were well done or past that. Two hockey puck like patties that were hard to swallow because of how dry they were. I'm normally of the school of thought that burgers don't necessarily need sauce(s) to be good. The juiciness of the burgers themselves should suffice. However, I found myself pouring on additional ketchup to every bite just to add enough moisture so that I could swallow each bite. It ended up being a very disappointing burger and left me thinking that I should never order a single or double ever again.