Monday, June 9, 2014

Spinach and Kale Pie

One of my favorite easy meals from Trader Joe's is the spinach and kale pie ($4.99). Back in the day (and I'm talking a long time ago), I remember getting multi-packs of spinach pie just like this one from Costco. I can't find any proof of that online and I certainly didn't take photos of all the stuff we bought at Costco back then (no digital cameras, that's how long ago), but for some reason, I remember that. It's why I was so happy when I first started going to Trader Joe's and found their spinach pie. I love this stuff.

That spinach pie is now a spinach and kale pie and TJ's calls it their "modern take on the traditional spanakopita." Inside the phyllo pastry, there's spinach, kale, feta and ricotta cheeses, and lots of herbs. You bake it for about an hour (the package says less, but even an hour doesn't give it that golden brown crust), and for $5, you've got a quick dinner with lots of nutrients (spinach and kale!) for very little effort.

We really like this pie. The taste of the creamy filling is very similar to the spinach and kale bites that you can also pick up at TJ's, but for the price, this is much more substantial. We've never been able to get the crust as golden as the photo (and as I remember from the old spinach pie), but we're okay with that since it tastes so good.

Buy Again? Yes! I try to cook more from scratch these days, but when we need an easy meal to just pop into the oven, this is a great choice.

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