I got grits, corned beef hash and potatoes:
A got oatmeal with corned beef hash:
He had double the amount of corned beef hash than I did. Last time, when I got it without the potatoes, I had the same amount that I had at this breakfast with the potatoes. If I had known they would double up the order, maybe I would have just gotten that!
A also got a banana, which came sliced:
I forgot about the banana. Never ended up getting one.
This was our last breakfast on the Glory in the dining room. Generally, we found the dining room to be a nice place to have a leisurely breakfast in comparison to the chaos of the Lido deck. (More on that later.) If you like breakfast and don't mind eating the same thing every day (or if you like breakfast so much that you switch it up every day), then you will probably like breakfast on the Glory. At least it was reliable, unlike the turkey dinner that I just can't stop talking about.
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