Sunday, November 7, 2021

Week 43 - Single Use Gadgets

It's been a while (again). I thought it had only been a few weeks, but apparently the last post was in September. This year is really flying by. I hope I manage to post about the whole challenge before the year is over, even if they're just super short posts to remind me that, yes, I did do that challenge week!

Week 43's theme was single use gadgets. We generally try to avoid single use gadgets because we have such limited kitchen storage space, but I was reminded of one that we definitely use for cooking - our waffle iron! Before that, I was just going to post a photo of the Oxo grape cutter, a single use gadget (although not entirely, because it works for grape tomatoes too) that has changed our lives for the better over the past few months. How did we not know this existed before I saw it on Instagram?

For the challenge, I decided on the bacon cheese scallion waffle from Serious Eats, taking advantage of one of B's sick days to make something new for brunch. I stuck fairly close to the original recipe, but with substitutions of flax eggs and vegan DIY buttermilk. My proportions of the bacon and scallions were probably a little off, but I wanted to use up our scallions (and get more veggies in the dish) and I didn't feel like searching the freezer for where we put the rest of our frozen bacon.

The waffles were delicious! Definitely needed more bacon though. They were also a little too salty, so next time I think I would use much less salt, especially if adding in more bacon. Maybe more cheese, more scallions too, but I think we just like extra fillings. The whole thing came out to about $6 for the same number of very large waffles, so even if the cost got pushed up from using more bacon, it would still be a very affordable brunch for three. I would make this again.

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