Sunday, April 26, 2020

Week 17 - From Scratch

My initial reaction to the Week 17 theme, from scratch, was, "But if we're doing a real home-cooked meal, it's all from scratch!" While true, the focus of the challenge was "finding a product that you'd normally buy pre-made, and going that extra step to make the thing from scratch," quoting from the weekly introduction thread on Reddit.

Although they had some suggestions there like ketchup, cream cheese, and udon, there was only one thing I wanted to make for this challenge: bread. We've been wanting to make bread from scratch for a while, and B loves bread, so homemade bread seemed like the perfect answer to a "from scratch" challenge. I even found a recipe for a focaccia that sounded delicious.

But we're in the middle of a pandemic, and everyone is baking bread.

And we don't have any yeast at home.

And the stores don't have any yeast (thanks to the nationwide shortage), outside of very expensive one-pound packages of yeast, and we do not need that much yeast unless we're going to start baking bread on a regular basis. We've never even made bread before. Who knows if we'll be any good at it? A one-pound bag of yeast just seems like a waste for a cooking project of unknown success.

So this post is more of a placeholder, a part I to acknowledge the existence of this challenge and note that we had a plan for it, and we'll have to wait to execute this plan until we get some yeast. One day, when yeast is back in the store, hopefully we'll be able to do part II of this challenge post. This, unfortunately, isn't going to be the only challenge with a placeholder on our list, but we're really going to try to get back to finishing them once the situation allows.

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